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英语翻译Belle,is the only word I know that suits her wellWhen sh

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/06/08 10:54:37
Belle,is the only word I know that suits her well
When she dances oh,the stories she can tell
A free bird trying out her wings to fly away
And when I see her move I see the hell to pay
She dances naked in my soul and sleep won't come
And it's no use to pray this prayers to Notre Dame
Tell,who'd be the first to raise his hand and throw a stone
I'd hang him high and laugh to see him die alone
Oh Lucifer,please let me go beyond god's law
And run my fingers through her hair Esmeralda
Belle,there is a demon inside her who came from hell
And he turned my eyes from god,and oh,I fell
He put this heat inside me I'm ashamed to tell
Without my god inside I'm just a burning shell
The sin of Eve she has in her I know so well
For want of her I know I'd give my soul to sell
Belle,this gypsy girl is there a soul beneath her skin
And dies she bear the cross of all our human sin
Oh Notre-Dame please let me go beyond god's law
Open the door of love inside Esmeralda
Belle,even though her eyes seem to lead us to hell
She may be more pure more pure than the words can tell
But when she dances feelings come no man can quell
Beneath her rainbow coloured dress there burns the well
My promised one please let me one time be untrue
Before in front of god and man I marry you
Who'd be the man who'd turn from her to save his soul
To be with her I'd let the devil take me whole
Oh,Fleur-De-Lys I am a man who knows no love
I go to open up the rose Esmeralda
She dances naked in my soul and sleep won't come
And it's no use to pray this prayers to Notre Dame
Tell,who'd be the first to raise his hand and throw a stone
I'd hang him high and laugh to see him die alone
Oh Lucifer,please let me go beyond god's law
And run my fingers through her hair Esmeralda
美人 是为她创造的专有名词
当她款摆舞蹈 像展翅的鸟
我感到地狱在我脚底张开巨口 我的注视穿过她吉普赛的衣袍
谁 忍心对她投掷第一颗石头?
魔王啊!我只求一回 让我的手穿过她的长发
美人 她难道是魔鬼化身?让我的眼神离弃永恒的主
谁用这肉欲魅惑了我 阻挡我的视线望向天国
她是致命的诱惑 渴欲她是否就已犯罪?
她 一个卑贱的欢场女子 竟然成了人性的考验
圣母啊!我只求一回 让我推开她花园的门扉
美人 在教人销魂的黑眼睛后面 她可能还是个纯真少女吗?
她举手投足让我看见无限风情 藏在她的彩虹裙下
吾爱,就让我不忠这么一回 在我们步上红毯之前
谁 能够把眼光从她身上移开 冒着变成化石的危险
噢,百合 我不是个忠诚的男人
我要去采撷艾斯美拉达的爱之花 我的注视穿过她吉普赛的衣袍
谁 忍心对她投掷第一颗石头?那就根本不配活在世上
魔王啊!我只求一回 让我的手穿过她的长发 艾斯美拉达