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关于 economic development is more important than protecting th

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/10 18:19:38
关于 economic development is more important than protecting the environment 的辩论陈述
1.The poor need to be fed before we talk of things like global warming,the reasons for which are debatable.Why did ice melt thousands of years back?There was no pollution then.
2.If the economic development takes place,in future,the environment can be taken care of like estabishing better forms of energy,etc.
3.The millions need to be fed.A hungry sttomach cannot think about global warming.An uneducated can hardly realise what the environment is.
4.the desire to have a clean environment (clean air,nice trees,more biodiversity,more national parks and green spaces) increases as people get richer.Richer countries are more economically advanced in terms of technology as well - they use cleaner and more efficient methods of generating energy,automobiles,etc.Thus on both the supply and demand side,economic development can help foster a better environment in the long-run,even though many countries pass through an intermediate stage where pollution increases with economic development.
5.Also,it is difficult to put a value on the environment.People can show how they value things through how they vote (do they vote for green parties or pro-development parties) or what goods they purchase (cars,gas,electricity using appliances,wood products,etc.).Yes,the environment is to some extent an externality,but it has no "intrinsic" value from the point of view of people - it has a value that is composed of a combination of its aesthetic value (people think it is pretty) and some instrumental value (clean air leads to less cancer).To the extent that most people prefer economic development - and poor people often do - attempting to protect the environment is really just benefitting a small elite that has decided that its priorities matter more.
6.One can also argue that when there is lots of mortality and human suffering due to low economic development,this far outweights any losses to animal species,deforestation,etc.
1.We are behaving suicidal and our own mother earth is suffering.
2.Sustainable development should be implemented.
3.It is not as without a sustainable environment a countries raw natural exports and resources will fail therefor creating a "gap" in the countries income.furthermore without a healthy environment how are people supposed to live?what has to be asked is is short term gain and long term pain a better choice than short term pain and long term gain.
4.the only time when economic development gets into trouble is when it is unsustainable.Although basic economics says we value stuff more now than in the future,so it makes sense to do things that benefit us now but hurt us later,this way of thinking suffers from an intergenerational problem (future generations will suffer for our benefit,which may not be "fair" to them in our minds).So we don't want economic development to come at the expense of sustainability - ultimately turning Las Vegas into a giant resort full of swimming pools and fountains is probably a bad idea,especially when Las Vegas could have been located somewhere with a more appropriate climate and environment.
5.Economic development should not be at the expense of its environment.Devastation of forests,distruction of animals ,pollution etc will be difficult to recoupe and threaten economic progress though some revenue may be obtained by neglecting these
Economic development and environment have nothing to do with each other.Eco-friendly measures bring about economic development.Growing trees,growing grasses,switching on to bio-farming or natural farming from existing chemical farming (excessive use of chemical fertilizers,chemicsl insecticides,weedicides and pesticides),establishing wind mills to generate power,use of farm wastes to produce power etc help build environment and develop economy too.It is in the mindset.If entire 25 million hactare waste land in India is brought under cover of firewood trees India will not face any energy crisis for deacdes.This is good renewable source of energy and helps build environment.If one millionth of money spent on major irrigation is spent on growing grasses ground water table rises and using minor irrigation techniques we can bring about irrigation in most ecofriendly way.This would help us reap fruits many times more than that from major irrigation project.People and the politicians need to be educated in this regard.
Develop environment before using it for economic development