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广州白云山(Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain),是新 “羊城八景”之首、国家4A级景区和国家重点风景名胜区.它位于广州市的东北部,为南粤名山之一,自古就有“羊城第一秀”之称.山体相当宽阔,由30多座山峰组成,为广东最高峰九连山的支脉.面积20.98平方公里,主峰摩星岭高382米(注:最新测绘高度为372.6米——国家测绘局,2008年),峰峦重叠,溪涧纵横,登高可俯览全市,遥望珠江.每当雨后天晴或暮春时节,山间白云缭绕,蔚为奇观,白云山之名由此得来.   白云山景色秀丽,自古以来就是广州有名的风景胜地.如"蒲涧濂泉"、"白云晚望"、"景泰僧归"等, 均被列入古代"羊城八景".60年代和80年代,白云山分别以"白云松涛"和"云山锦秀"胜景两度被评为"羊城新八景"之一.清末时有白云寺、双溪寺、能仁寺、弥勒寺等古寺及白山仙馆、明珠、百花冢等名胜古迹.每逢九九重阳佳节,羊城人民更以登白云山为乐事,届时,扶老携幼,人流熙熙攘攘的热闹场景便构成羊城一幅独特的风情画.   千百年来,白云山名胜古迹虽多,但屡经兴废遗存很少,尤以近百年来历经沧桑,频遭破坏,到解放时,只剩下“天南第一峰”牌坊和部分寺院的断壁残垣.解放后,白云山才获得新生,广州市政府组织群众,广植林木,修筑了10个水库,开辟公路沟通南北,修建山北、山顶公园及山庄、双溪旅舍,重现了白云山万木葱茏、生机勃勃的园林景观.   新中国成立后,经过历届广州市政府的建设,专门成立了白云山风景名胜区管理局.经过多年的建设、经营和发展,白云山已建设成为规模宏大的国家级风景名胜区和旅游景区.目前白云山风景区从南至北共有7个游览区,依次是:麓湖游览区、三台岭游览区、鸣春谷游览区、摩星岭游览区、明珠楼游览区、飞鹅岭游览区及荷依岭游览区,区内有三个全国之最的景点,分别是:全国最大的园林式花园——云台花园;全国最大的天然式鸟笼——鸣春谷;全国最大的主题式雕塑专类公园——雕塑公园.   白云山有丰富的自然资源.白云山地处我国南方,属亚热带气候区,植被种类相当丰富,拥有各种植物876种,其中有5种国家保护的珍稀濒危植物:鹅掌楸、土治香、降香黄檀、油杉、大叶竹柏等.野生的657种植物中,许多种类具有潜在的经济价值,如用材树种86种,药用植物343种,野生观赏植物97种.目前白云山的绿化覆盖率已达95%以上,据统计,白云山目前共有绿化面积4.2万亩,每天可吸收2800吨二氧化碳,放出2100吨氧气,可供近300万人正常呼吸之用,被称为广州的“市肺”(所谓“市肺”,就是指白云山位于城市中心,山上大面积绿化,是个天然蓄水的固态水库,是个抗御自然灾害的天然屏障,又是空气净化器和调节器).据测定,白云山空气质量已达国家一级标准,噪声质量达国家o类标准,地表水质也达到国际规定.一些山涧水、泉水甚至可以直接饮用.   白云山有十分浓厚的文化沉淀,最早可追溯到山北黄婆洞的新石器时代史前文化的遗址;秦末高士郑安期隐居在白云山采药济世,并在白云山“成仙而去”;晋代江苏人葛洪曾在白云山炼丹,著有《抱朴子》这部道家名作;南梁时景泰禅师来此建寺,是白云山最早的寺庙,还留下“景泰僧归”一景,是羊城旧八景之一.唐宋以后,陆续有杜审言、李群玉、苏轼、韩愈等著名文人登山吟诗,他们的诗文寓情于物,成为岭南宝贵的历史精神财富.明清的羊城八景中,白云山占其三:“蒲涧濂泉、景泰僧归、白云晚望”.中国近现代革命的抗法、甲午战争等人物也曾在此留下足迹.在社会主义建设初期,老一辈革命家朱德、董必武、郭沫若等曾留下题词,周恩来总理、陈毅副总理等曾在当时被誉为“南国钓鱼台”的白云山山庄旅舍进行过国事活动.改革开放以后,党和国家多位领导人及国际友人也都曾在此观光并题名,为白云山风景区留下了不少墨宝.   随着城市规模的日益扩大,白云山已渐渐被市区所包围,完全融入到城市中,成为人们闲时休憩的好去处,吸引着越来越多的游客前来参观,全年景区客流量近500万人次,日均客流量达2—3万人次,尤其是重要节假日(如:国庆、五一、重阳、中秋等)全山最大客流量达10—20万人次,值得一提的是:白云山每年接待离、退休老人近百万人次,这在全省公园里是屈指一数的,这是由于白云山的地理和环境优势所至.Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain (Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain), is the new
Guangzhou Eight,
the head of the national 4A level scenic spots and national key scenic spot. It is located northeast of Guangzhou, is also famous, since ancient times
the Guangzhou No. 1 show,
said. Mountain fairly broad, composed of more than 30 mountain peaks, the peak of Guangdong Jiulianshan the spur. An area of 20.98 square kilometers, the main peak 382 meters high Mount Davis (Note: the latest mapping height of 372.6 meters - the National Mapping Bureau, 2008), overlapping peaks, streams horizon, the climb may be overlooking the city, facing the Pearl River. Whenever the weather was fine or late spring after the rain season, clouds shrouded the mountains, spectacular sight, thus the name of White Cloud Mountain come. Baiyun Mountain scenic, ancient famous scenic spots in Guangzhou. Such as
Pu Jian Lian Quan
looking clouds late,

Monk Jingtai return
, etc., were included in the ancient
eight scenic spots in Guangzhou.
60's and 80's, Baiyun Mountain with
white clouds pines
Yunshan Jinsiou
attraction was rated as the
Guangzhou New Eight
one. When Baiyun Si Qing, Sungai Temple, Buddhist Monastery, Maitreya Temple Temple and Hakusan Sin Koon, Pearl, flowers and mounds and other historical sites. Every 99 Double Ninth Festival, Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain people more in order to board a pleasure, then, the young and lively bustling crowd scenes form the Rams a unique painting style. For thousands of years, Baiyun Mountain attractions are numerous, but many times from Rise and Fall remains small, especially in the last century through the ages, frequently damage to the liberation, the only
day of the first peak of the South,
the broken arch, and part of the temple wall ruins. After liberation, it was new Baiyun Mountain, Guangzhou Municipal Government organized the masses, planting trees, construction of 10 reservoirs, open communication between north and south highway, the construction of the North Mountain, the Peak Park and Resort, Sungai hostel, to reproduce the trees are luxuriantly green Baiyun Mountain and dynamic landscape. After the founding of New China, through the successive construction of the Guangzhou municipal government, set up a Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area Administration. After years of construction, operation and development, Baiyun Mountain has been building a large-scale state-level scenic spots and tourist attractions. Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area from the current total of seven clusters, south to north, are: Luhu resort, three ridge resort, Ming Spring Valley resort, Mount Davis resort, Pearl House resort, fly Eling Tour District and the Netherlands according to Ridge resort, there are three highest in the country's attractions are: the country's largest garden-style garden - Yuntai Park; the country's largest natural-style bird cage - Ming Spring Valley; the country's largest theme special class of type Sculpture Park - Sculpture Park. Baiyun Mountain is rich in natural resources. Baiyun Mountain is located in southern China, a subtropical climate, abundant vegetation types, with 876 kinds of various plants, including five kinds of state protection of rare and endangered plants: tulip tree, land administration, Hong, Dalbergia odorifera, fortunei, Lamina so big. 657 kinds of wild plants, many species have potential economic value, such as 86 species of timber tree species, 343 kinds of medicinal plants, 97 species of wild ornamental plants. White Cloud Mountain now has reached more than 95% green coverage, according to statistics, the Baiyun Mountain Green area of 4.2 hectares at present, 2,800 tons per day to absorb carbon dioxide and release 2,100 tons of oxygen, for nearly 300 million people with normal breathing, known as Guangzhou's
refers to Baiyun Mountain is located in the city center, a large area of green hills, is a natural solid-state storage reservoir, is a natural barrier to resist natural disasters, but also air purifier and regulator). According to the determination of Baiyun Mountain has reached the national level air quality standards, noise standards and the quality of the State o class, surface water quality to meet international requirements. Some mountain water, spring water and even drinkable. Baiyun Mountain has a very strong cultural sedimentation, dating back to Hill North Huangpojing hole Neolithic prehistoric sites; the late Qin Zheng An Goldsmith of seclusion herbs serve our community in the Baiyun Mountain and White Cloud Mountain,
a god; Jin Ge Hong on behalf of Jiangsu in Baiyun Mountain alchemy, author of
Bao Pu
This Taoist masterpiece; South Liangshi Jing Thai Buddhist monk to the Monastery, is the earliest temple Baiyun Mountain, also left behind,
Monk Jingtai return
a King , is one of the famous Yangcheng old. Kung, one after another of Du, Qun Yu, Su Shi, Han Yu and other famous writers mountain of poems, poems Combining Emotion their property, the history of Lingnan valuable spiritual wealth. Eight of the Ming and Qing Guangzhou, Baiyun Mountain of its three:
Pu Jian Lian Quan, Jingtai monks go, night clouds look.
Modern Chinese Revolution against France and the Sino-Japanese War and other people have left their footprints. In the early socialist construction, the older generation of revolutionaries Chu, wu, Guo has left such inscriptions, Premier Zhou Enlai, Chen Yi, Vice Premier Zeng at the time hailed as the
in the White Cloud Mountain Villa hostel activities conducted affairs of state. After reform and opening up, many party and state leaders and international friends have all titles in this tour and for the Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area have left a lot of calligraphy. With the city scale to the growing, Baiyun Mountain has gradually been the urban area, surrounded by fully integrated into the city and become a good place for people to rest at leisure, attracting more and more tourists come to visit, Quannian scenic passenger volume of nearly 500 million people, average daily traffic up to 2-3 million people, in particular, important holidays (such as: National Day, 51 Chung Yeung Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, etc.) most traffic over the whole mountain 10-20 million worth mentioning are: annual reception from the White Cloud Mountain, nearly one million retirees, which the province is reckoned that in the park, which is due to Baiyun Mountain Centre at the geographical and environmental advantages.团队比赛希望采纳