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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/11 01:40:27
中秋节是我国的传统佳节.根据史籍的记载,“中秋”一词最早出现在《周礼》一书中.到魏晋时,有“谕尚书镇牛淆,中秋夕与左右微服泛江”的记载.直到唐朝初年,中秋节才成为固定的节日.《唐书·太宗记》记载有“八月十五中秋节”.中秋节的盛行始于宋朝,至明清时,已与元旦齐名,成为我国的主要节日之一.这也是我国仅次于春节的第二大传统节日.根据我国的历法,农历八月在秋季中间,为秋季的第二个月,称为“仲秋”,而八月十五又在“仲秋”之中,所以称“中秋”.中秋节有许多别称:因节期在八月十五,所以称“八月节”、“八月半”;因中秋节的主要活动都是围绕“月”进行的,所以又俗称“月节”、“月夕”;中秋节月亮圆满,象征团圆,因而又叫“团圆节”.在唐朝,中秋节还被称为“端正月”.关于“团圆节”的记载最早见于明代.《西湖游览志余》中说:“八月十五谓中秋,民间以月饼相送,取团圆之意”.《帝京景物略》中也说:“八月十五祭月,其饼必圆,分瓜必牙错,瓣刻如莲花.……其有妇归宁者,是日必返夫家,曰团圆节也".中秋晚上,我国大部分地区还有烙“团圆”的习俗,即烙一种象征团圆、类似月饼的小饼子,饼内包糖、芝麻、桂花和蔬菜等,外压月亮、桂树、兔子等图案.祭月之后,由家中长者将饼按人数分切成块,每人一块,如有人不在家即为其留下一份,表示合家团圆.中秋节时,云稀雾少,月光皎洁明亮,民间除了要举行赏月、祭月、吃月饼祝福团圆等一系列活动,有些地方还有舞草龙,砌宝塔等活动.除月饼外,各种时令鲜果干果也是中秋夜的美食.中秋节起源的另一个说法是:农历八月十五这一天恰好是稻子成熟的时刻,各家都拜土地神.中秋可能就是秋报的遗俗.The Mid-Autumn festival is the traditional festival in China.According to the records of history,"Mid-Autumn festival" term originated in kaogongji book.Jin,"to the oracle Xiao cows,holds the Pennsylvania about with tiny Mid-Autumn generic jiang".Until the early tang dynasty,Mid-Autumn festival became fixed festivals.The tang dynasty,emperor "record book" August 15 Mid-Autumn festival ".The Mid-Autumn festival in qing dynasty,and began,has become China's name,with the main festivals.This is China's second largest after Spring Festival holiday tradition.According to the Chinese lunar calendar in August,for the autumn,autumn is called "the second half past autumn",and "half past autumn in August 15 again,so called" "Mid-Autumn festival".Because there are many nicknames:Mid-Autumn festival in August 15,so called "BaYueJie","half" August,Because of the Mid-Autumn festival activities are conducted on "around,so called" month ","YueXi;" Mid-Autumn moon symbol,reunion,and TuanYuanJie called ".In the tang dynasty,the Mid-Autumn festival is called the "correct".TuanYuanJie about "the earliest records in Ming dynasty".The west lake in more than sightseeing volunteers "August 15,said:" the Mid-Autumn,folk with moon cakes to send,the meaning of reunion.The emperor jing scenery of also said:"on August 15,their bread will be offering circular,melons,carved teeth will double as lotus.it's a GuiNing,will return,janet TuanYuanJie also." Mid-Autumn evening,in most regions of China and burger "reunion" custom,namely burger a symbol of unity,similar to the moon cake,bread in the small packets of sugar,sesame,and vegetables,osmanthus pressure moon,cinnamon,rabbits,etc.After months of home,offering with cakes elders will be cut into pieces,each piece,if someone is not at home to the left,a family reunion.The Mid-Autumn festival,thin cloud mist,moonlit bright moon,folk in addition to hold on,eating moon cakes,offering blessing reunion a series of activities,such as some places and grass dragon dance,pagodas,etc.Besides the cakes,fresh fruit in season is autumn leaves.The Mid-Autumn festival is the origin of another day:Chinese August 15 just moments,the mature rice worshiped god.Mid-Autumn festival is probably YiSu of autumn.