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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/11 13:50:36
have seen a lot of posts here about people having problems with piracy. Most have figured out how to catch ships, however they get caught and fined. Since this seems to be a huge question I put together some of the information from PatricianWorld and brought it here. It may be beneficial for the mods to sticky this near the top. This gives a bunch of information on piracy, along with Baltic Traders cascade capture strategy for handling more heavily manned ships early on.
Ships in port that are at anchor do not appear to notice vessels captured outside the port, however once they leave the dock their site radius appears to be active not just when they are on the ocean. I have a feeling the AI also gets a slightly larger sight radius than we do, but can't prove it.
Sailing experience is more important than fighting for piracy. If you can't catch them the extra fighting skill is meaningless. So if you have 0/0/4 (t/s/f) and 0/2/0 captains as choices either look for a new one or use the 0/2/0. I prefer 3 sailing or better. 5 is preferable since I can catch empty snaikkas with 100% health as well.
Unarmed cogs are the easiest targets and can be caught by snaikkas with captains that have no sailing experience. So your main targets should be unarmed cogs and snaikkas. Snaikkas should either be heavily loaded, under 90% health, or both. Later when you have crayers and hulks that are stage 3 anything will be fair game.
Do not return the ships to the port the came from or the merchants home port. Both of these tend to increase the odds of getting caught. I would recommend sending most of the ships you catch to your home port (they will automatically head there once you capture them), just make sure they weren't owned by your hometown competitor and you aren't preying outside your hometown. Writing down a list of all the competitors and the town they are in may be beneficial. You will still run into many lesser traders that aren't on the list, however I have never had a problem returning their ships to my homeport.
Don't bother with weapons unless you are hunting convoys and pirate ships. This includes cutlasses unless you have spares. Unarmed merchant sailors are easy prey; having a couple more sailors will let you win so save the cutlasses for your pirate hunters.
Use spotters with your pirates. 2 spotters are fine for river towns (Koln, Novgorod, Turon), use one at the mouth, one in town. The river towns should probably be your first haunt until you catch a few ships. Use 3 spotters for the new city near Novgorod (at the mouth of the river). 4 spotters should be fine for London, Stockholm, Helsinki, Bergen, and Oslo. Use 5 spotters for the rest. (Somebody can correct, I am sure I missed some cities that either need more or less). When you start your spotters will probably be minimum crew snaikkas, possibly even recently acquired. As you start getting qualified captains (don't waste a 3-5 trade captain with little fighting/sailing as a pirate...) I would recommend replacing them with fully crewed snaikkas with captains, swords can wait until you get a surplus. Still keep one minimum crew snaikka with no captain in the city unless you have an auto buyer or an office in town.
Don't shy away from multiple targets, if you catch them all you don't get fines. It should go without saying that if you have 3 pirates and 4 targets in a tight cluster that one will probably get away... However, a long line of 4 or 5 spaced out is fair game. Catching all the witnesses will prevent fines. Many people believe that if you can change from pirate to civil after the deed you are going to get away with it, this is not true, stay a pirate a little longer (2-3 seconds at Normal speed). If you see another ship in the area you are probably busted unless you catch them as well. Since I started waiting around a couple seconds and catching any newcomers I have yet to face a fine, this streak has gone through 4 starter games and the current game.
I would recommend using 3 pirates once you have 3 ships. Hold the captain with the highest sailing in reserve; he can even second as a spotter. Pirate with the other 2 and if you see a witness appear that is lightly loaded and virtually undamaged use the reserve to catch it. I would recommend that the reserve have cutlasses since you may need to board armed ships.
While doing my research I now have 5 ships with qualified pirate captains working London/Edinburgh, there is also one spare min crew for the city duty in Edinburgh. When London starts drying up for a while or I see a bunch heading to (or in) Edinburgh I move, although soon they will do a stint near Hamburg/Bremen, I have notice some merchants in the area taking advantage of me and using unarmed lightly crewed cogs. I tried sending them letters warning them of the dangers, however the warnings and the object lessons in the London area fell on deaf ears. I fear they must also learn the hard way as well. A small part of me will feel some guilt since this will reduce the fine mayor of Riga to no ships. Of course he will share company with others of high standing, the current mayor of Haarlem (until I replace him) has no ships either, as well as the mayors of Rostock, Reval, and Memel.
If you catch all the merchant ships you will end up crippling the economy of the Hanse unless you can take over all the trading, so at some point you should stop preying on the merchants and switch to the pirates.
Here is a paste of the earlier posting by BT on the Cascade technique for capturing ships:
The Cascade as I termed it I originally used with crayers to capture the holk in the pirate mission undamaged. But I adapted it to snaiikas, and capture a cog in the first month or two of the game now.
One snaiika needs to be a level three, a convoy leader. The captain should be a four in fighting but a three will do fine usually. Two other snaiikas are upgraded to level two, but armed only with one small catapult apiece. This is so they can participate in the battle. I will leave it to your imagination how I acquire the snaiikas in the first place.
The convoy leader should have all crew armed with twenty swords. The second snaiika preferably has a captain and armed crew. The third should be unarmed. All should have full crews.
When the pirate cog is encountered you attack. In the battle screen, immediately turn the convoy and flee. Then turn the uncaptained ship and board the cog. It is tricky, you have to angle properly in the wind to avoid him maneuvering to fire upon you. Turn the other two ships back toward the cog as the first nears to board. The pirate cannot fire upon you when engaged in the boarding battle. Click on the lesser captain, and direct him to board the snaiika which will quickly lose the battle to the cog. The pirate divides his crew, leaving too few to defend the cog properly. Board the cog with your convoy leader. Board the snaiika with the captained second snaiika. Be aware the snaiika will fire upon you, but can't do a lot of damage with a small catapult.
Properly done, you end up with the cog, and all three snaiikas, all undamaged. Sail for the nearest port to reapportion swords, captain, and reman your ships. The cog can then be used to hunt down the remaining pirate cogs. In the beginning of the game they are not fully manned, usually have about thirty or so crew. Make the cog a convoy leader so the captured ship(s) remain attached.
Even if you are not deft enough with the maneuvers, you can board and lose two snaiikas and still end up with your convoy leader and a cog. The snaiikas will need to be captured or they for some reason will try to attack your shipping in preference to anyone else's. The convoy leader can do this later on, with a new captain.
And of course, you must never ever use these captured cogs to attack the AI cogs .or bunch them together to attack and loot cities of their hard earned treasuries .or give some to those nasty characters in the taverns .
I usually have a couple of dozen cogs by the time the sought pirate mission comes along, and the pirates are ever so nice to have large catapults before anyone else, along with plenty of swords.
Enjoy. You might want to save the game before the encounter to practice it a few times.
But I wonder if this will work as well in P3. From your post, if he can do the same as you do and send only a minimum crew to board it will need modification. I will check it out, if I ever get my hands on the game. In the meantime, perhaps you can research it some more!
As a side note, if your pirates are also spotters it may help some, if you have captains to spare. I sometimes do.